
電話注文 047-314-1138 (平日 10:00〜18:00)

AltRider スキッドプレート シルバー BMW R 1300 GS

BMW R 1300 GS


商品番号 R130-1-1200
販売価格 ¥ 105,710 税込
セール価格 ¥ 105,710 税込
[ 1,057 ポイント進呈 ]
在庫数 13

BMW R 1300 GS


With 145 horsepower the R 1300 GS's updated water boxer motor is an impressive machine. All that power flying down the trail can produce some tough hits to the bottom of a 530 pound motorcycle, requiring much heftier protection than the thin stock plate. 3/16 inch (4.76 mm) hand TIG welded anodized aluminum Protects entire bottom side of the liquid cooled motor including headers and catalytic converter One piece unit that provides tire to tire protection Available in silver or black Like the AltRider crash bars the AltRider skid plate was updated for the R 1300 GS. To maintain greater ground clearance a flat plate of 3/16 inch (4.76 mm) anodized aluminum is utilized with no bolts on the bottom side to snag. This patent pending mounting system allows the move from the AltRider original corrugated design saving over 1 inch (25.4 mm) of ground clearance. The plate was designed to be extremely narrow at the bottom to maintain the great cornering ability of the bike. It is a one piece unit that provides tire to tire protection. From the leading front corner of the headers to just before the rear tire, the entire bottom side of the motor is shielded from impact. Even the catalytic converter is safe-guarded. There are no gaps in protection or plastic pieces to break and no parts to continually repurchase--just one smooth 3/16 inch (4.76 mm) plate that provides complete coverage. The one piece skid plate is simple to install and all stainless steel hardware is provided. Compatible with BMW R 1300 GS











米国シアトルを本拠地とし、ガード・キャリアなど、アドベンチャーバイクに無くてはならないパーツ、アクセサリーを中心に設計から製造、出荷に至るまですべて一貫して行っているメーカーです。 乗り手の理想を実現することを念頭に、常に「世界でも最高な水準であるか」を考え設計製作をおこなっています。